About me.


Hey my name is Chris (Christian He/Him mexican/american tismo) i go by Shin Malfeasance on the net and i'd like if you would call me by that and not my real name. Im a Mexican/american high school punk whos into tech (PCs and that) vidya games and other crap


I'm a fan of homestuck, SMT, Fighting Games, linux and other nerd stuff.
The main reason I made this site in plain html+css+js is because I hate carrd and i wanted to learn how to make HTML sites.

I'm a big fan of Nu-Metal Rock Death Metal experimental hip hop group and some weeb music.
My favorite artists are: Limp Bizkit Death Grips Linken Park and few others that I can't name from the top of my head.

My computer

here is a screenshot of my desktop as of now

Contact and other externals

You can contact me through discord: shinmalfeasance, that's where I spend most of my time. but you can also find me on Element:@shin_grasshopper:matrix.org